产物分类Alpha Diagnostic International ELISA试剂盒
ADI(Alpha Diagnostic International)公司位于美国德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥,具有USDA认证的动物试验设施,主要研发用于人、小鼠、大鼠、猴、豚鼠、地鼠、雪貂、家畜、家禽等20余物种的各类ELISA试剂盒、细胞生物学和免疫研究常用一抗、二抗、抗血清及辅助试剂,可提供多肽合成、抗体定制服务。
1. 疫苗研发测试ELISA试剂盒(白喉、百日咳、破伤风、狂犬病、小儿麻痹症、风疹、流感嗜血杆菌、肝炎、流感、脑膜炎、结核、炭疽、埃博拉、乙型脑炎病毒、人乳头状瘤病毒等)
2. 人及动物自身免疫疾病ELISA试剂盒(anti-dsDNA,ANA,anti-SSA/B,心磷脂等)
3. 治疗性人源化抗体(Herceptin,Rituximab,Xolair 和Humira等)
4. 动物健康监测(MPV,MHV,MNV,EDIM,LCMV,KRV,Sendai等)
5. 宿主细胞蛋白(HCPs)ELISA (E.Coli,CHO,SP2/0;Protein A/G,BSA,卵清蛋白等)
6. 血清蛋白图谱ELISA试剂盒(IgG、IgM、IgA、IgE、白蛋白、转铁蛋白和乳铁蛋白等)
7. 环境化学品、药物和抗生素残留ELISA试剂盒(氨苄青霉素、磺胺类药物、泰乐菌素及DES等)
8. 血清蛋白、激素、肿瘤标记物检测(CEA、PSA、AFP、CA125、CA199、BMPs、瘦素、脂联素、抵抗素、胰岛素、防御素、多肽、甲状腺剂及类固醇类激素)
1. 严格的GLP操作
2. 20年的产物研发、生产经验
3. 100多种全球du家ELISA检测试剂盒
4. 成熟的诊断试剂生产技术、完善的产物优化及质控体系
5. 具有竞争力的产物价格、是很多ELISA试剂盒组装公司的原材料供应商
针对癌症和自身免疫性疾病等多种疾病的新型药物(生物制剂)的出现,对世界各地的医疗保健来说是一个福音。这些生物药物非常昂贵。2013年,全球治疗性抗体价值达800亿美元。2014年,shi 大 zui 畅 销 的单克隆抗体疗法(Humira、Remicade、Enbrel、Rituxan、Avastin、Herceptin、Lucents、Synagis、Prolia/Xgeva和Erbitux)的销售额为640亿美元。这些药物在不适当的条件下储存时可能会失去疗效。这些药物也有掺假的情况,使它们可能不安全和无效。ADI公司已经接受了开发检测试剂盒的挑战,这些检测试剂盒能够识别这些昂贵药物的真实性和有效性。
兽用疫苗有助于改善动物健康,以具有成本效益的方式增加牲畜产量,并防止疾病在动物之间传播。在包括北美、欧洲和亚太地区在内的主要地理细分市场中,欧洲市场占全球兽用疫苗市场收入的 >70%。据估计,2014年全球兽用疫苗市场价值120亿美元。预计该市场将以 8.8% 的复合年增长率增长,到 2019 年将达到 190 亿美元。然而,很少有公司满足动物诊断需求,几乎没有商业实体提供动物疫苗测试。ADI公司根据伴侣动物和农场动物中发现的疾病类型开发了特定的ELISA和其他测试,包括家禽疫苗(支气管炎、禽濒颈耻感、马立克氏病、新城疫)和猪疫苗(猪繁殖病、猪流感、猪肺炎)。大多数动物试验都在海外销售,等待美国农业部批准在美国销售。
实验动物(小鼠、大鼠、兔、山羊、猪、仓鼠等)在各种药物的临床前试验中起着举足轻重的作用。因此,知尘颈苍驳动物供应商会定期检测 40-50 种不同的细菌和病毒性疾病,以确保用于研究的动物健康状况良好。ADI公司已经生产了20多种ELISA试剂盒,用于检测实验动物是否存在细菌和病毒感染。其中许多测试套件由ADI公司诲耻家提供。
产物名称 | 货号 | 规格 |
Mouse Monoclonal Anti-Human IgG4 (Fc-region)-PE (phycoerythrin) conjugate | 10124-PE | 0.5 ml |
Monkey IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 7060 | 1 kit |
Monkey IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 7050 | 1 Kit |
Monkey IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 7010 | 1 Kit |
Human Folicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 0200 | 1 kit |
Mouse IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 6320 | 1 kit |
Human Progesterone ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 1955 | 1 kit |
Mouse IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 6380 | 1 Kit |
Mouse Anti-Nuclear Antigens (ANA/ENA) Ig's (total (A+G+M) ) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 5210 | 1 Kit |
Mouse anti-dsDNA IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 5120 | 1 Kit |
Bovine Albumin (BSA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative (for measuring residual BSA in protein/antibody samples not recommended for measuring BSA in serum) | 8100 | 1 Kit |
Purified Human C1q protein for ELISA or Standards | C1Q15-N | 100 ug |
Rabbit Anti-Meningitis B factor H binding protein (MenB fHbp) antiserum | MBFH11-S | 100 ul |
Mouse Anti-dsDNA Ig's (Total A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 5110 | 1 Kit |
Mouse IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 6370 | 1 Kit |
Monkey Anti-ANA (Anti-nuclear Antigens/ENA) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 670-110-ANM | 1 Kit |
Mouse Complement C3 ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 6270 | 1 kit |
Monkey IgE ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 7070 | 1 Kit |
Mouse Monoclonal Anti-Human IgG1 (Fc-region)-PE (phycoerythrin) conjugate | 10121-PE | 0.5 ml |
Rabbit Anti-Mouse Metal Transporter Protein 1/Ferroportin (MTP1/IREG1/Fpn) antiserum | MTP11-S | 100 ul |
Rabbit Anti-Mouse Uncoupling Protein 1 (UCP1) IgG # 1, aff pure | UCP11-A | 100 ul |
Human Prolactin (PRL) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 0300 | 1 kit |
Rat Anti-Nuclear Antigens (ANA/ENA) IgG-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 650-230-ANA | 1 Kit |
Rabbit Anti-Rat Natural Resistance-Associated Protein 2 (DMT1/NRAMP2, with IRE) IgG #1, aff. Pure | NRAMP21-A | 100 ul |
Rat Neurite outgrowth inhibitory peptide | Nogo-P4 | 1 mg |
Rabbit Anti-Rat Natural Resistance-Associated Protein 2 (DMT1/NRAMP2, without IRE) antiserum #3 | NRAMP23-S | 100 ul |
Rabbit Anti-Mouse Metal Transporter Protein1/Ferroportin (MTP1/IREG1/Fpn) IgG aff pure | MTP11-A | 100 ug |
Mouse Monoclonal Anti-Human IgG4 (Fc-region)-HRP conjugate | 10124 | 0.5 ml |
Rabbit Anti-Rat Natural Resistance-Associated Protein 2 (DMT1/NRAMP2, with IRE) antiserum #1 | NRAMP21-S | 100 ul |
Rabbit Anti-Rat Iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP-1) IgG, aff pure | IRP11-A | 100 ug |
Protein-G (HCPs) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 800-120-PRG | 1 Kit |
Rabbit Anti-4 hydroxynonenal (HNE) antiserum | HNE11-S | 100 ul |
Rat Anti-Ovalbumin (Gal d 2) IgE ELISA Kit, Quantitative | 610-110-OGE | 1 kit |
Human Serum Albumin ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 1190 | 1 Kit |
Mouse Anti-H. Influenzae B polyribosyl phosphate (Hib-PRP) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 980-120-PMG | 1 Kit |
Human beta-Defensin-2 (BD-2) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 100-250-BD2 | 1 Kit |
Mouse IgA ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 6310 | 1 kit |
Rabbit Anti-Rat Natural Resistance-Associated Protein 2 (DMT1/NRAMP2, without IRE) IgG #3, aff. Pure | NRAMP23-A | 100 ul |
Mouse Anti-ssDNA Ig's (total (A+G+M) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 5310 | 1 Kit |
Bovine IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 8080 | 1 Kit |
Rat IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 6420 | 1 kit |
Bovine Albumin (BSA) ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 8000 | 1 kit |
Rabbit Anti-Human Ca-Sensing Receptor 1 (CaSR) Antiserum #1 | CASR11-S | 100 ul |
Rabbit Anti-Mouse Per2 IgG #1, aff pure | PER21-A | 100 ug |
Rabbit Anti-human CYP26A1 IgG, aff pure #2 | CYP26A12-A | 100 ug |
Flg22 peptide (30-51 aa, Flic, P. aeruginosa), pure | FLG22-P-1 | 1 mg |
Wheat Germ Agglutinin-HRP conjugate (WGA-HRP) | 20363 | 0.5 mg |
Rat IgM ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 6480 | 1 Kit |
Rabbit Anti-Human With-No-Lysine Kinase-3 (WNK3) IgG, aff pure | WNK31-A | 100 ug |
Mouse anti-dsDNA IgM-specific ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative | 5130 | 1 kit |